Operation Ukrainian Safe Haven
Get Involved!
Operation Ukrainian Safe Haven is committed to providing aid and assistance to displaced Ukrainians and others facing challenging circumstances. Your donation can directly impact the lives of those affected by displacement, making a tangible difference in their journey to rebuild and thrive.
When you donate to Operation Ukrainian Safe Haven, your contribution goes towards supporting non-profit settlement organizations. These dedicated organizations work tirelessly to uplift and support displaced individuals, including Ukrainians and others in need. By pooling resources, these organizations create meaningful improvements and provide much-needed assistance to those facing hardships.
Join us in making a tangible difference today. Your generosity will be channelled towards initiatives that address the immediate needs of displaced Ukrainians and other affected individuals. From offering shelter and access to essential services to providing language assistance and cultural orientation, your donation directly contributes to positive change.
For an overview of the Donations, please click on the image below.
For a detailed presentation of the donations, please see below.
What percentage of my donation will go towards the needs of displaced Ukrainians?
Will I receive a tax-deductible receipt?
How are donations distributed to the non-profit organizations supporting displaced Ukrainians in Canada?
Are there any recurring donation options?
How can I stay updated on the impact of my donation?