Pre-arrival Survey

Ukrainians embarking on their journey to Canada are informed about the Pre-Arrival Survey, a vital initiative integrated into their approved CUAET visa process by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada. This survey helps to inform policy decisions by the National Steering Committee of Operation Ukrainian Safe Haven and provides essential support to Ukrainians both before and after their arrival in Canada.

The information collected through the Pre-Arrival Survey holds significant importance as it guides the National Steering Committee of Operation Ukrainian Safe Haven in making well-informed policy decisions. These decisions are instrumental in ensuring that displaced Ukrainians receive comprehensive and tailored support as they transition to a new life in Canada.

In 2023, the National Steering Committee of Operation Ukrainian Safe Haven launched a new and updated version of the Pre-Arrival Survey. Discover the latest findings, offering valuable insights into the needs and aspirations of displaced Ukrainians arriving in Canada below.

For historical reference and additional context, the previous version of the Pre-Arrival Survey is also available here.

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