Operation Ukrainian Safe Haven
Get Involved!
CUAET visa holders are eligible for employment and training programs. If you are an employer and would like to support displaced Ukrainians in Canada with a job, please register your offer through Canada Job Bank.
Federal Resources
Special Response Fund for Trainees (Ukraine)
The Government of Canada is providing funding for graduate students and researchers to continue their research in Canada. Recipients must have already received funding from a Canadian research agency.
Information about provincial employment training programs accessible to displaced Ukrainians in Alberta will be updated as it becomes available.
British Columbia
WorkBC provides employment services for displaced Ukrainians arriving in British Columbia.
Information about provincial employment training programs accessible to displaced Ukrainians in Manitoba will be updated as it becomes available.
New Brunswick
There are many ways to locate available positions in New Brunswick that would be a good fit for your skills! New Brunswick employers are working with government to provide as much support as possible to Ukrainian newcomers.
Information for Ukranians Outside Canada
If you are not in Canada, you can fill the New Brunswick Ukraine Initiative Form for Employment Opportunities to share your profile with NB employers.
Information for Ukrainians Inside Canada
If you are already in Canada, you can submit your resume by filling this form: Candidates registration-In Canada Recruitment-Ukrainians – Application Form (hiringplatform.ca)
Ukrainians in New Brunswick can also benefit from the guidance of WorkingNB’s employment counsellors. The service is offered throughout the province, and for those with a language barrier, employment counselling services are offered in Ukrainian. If you are already in New Brunswick, please contact WorkingNB for more information.
Additional job search resources:
Newfoundland and Labrador
Information about provincial employment training programs accessible to displaced Ukrainians in Newfoundland and Labrador will be updated as it becomes available.
Nova Scotia
Employers who wish to offer jobs to displaced Ukrainians in Nova Scotia can do so on this webpage.
Northwest Territories
Information about provincial employment training programs accessible to displaced Ukrainians in the Northwest Territories will be updated as it becomes available.
Information about provincial employment training programs accessible to displaced Ukrainians in Nunavut will be updated as it becomes available.
Information about provincial employment training programs accessible to displaced Ukrainians in Ontario will be updated as it becomes available.
Prince Edward Island
Information about provincial employment training programs accessible to displaced Ukrainians in Prince Edward Island will be updated as it becomes available.
Employers who wish to offer jobs to displaced Ukrainians in Quebec can refer to this webpage.
Displaced Ukrainians who are looking for employment can visit this webpage.
The Government of Saskatchewan announced it will allow all temporary residents arriving under Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) with a valid work permit to be eligible for Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant (CSJG) and Re-Skill Saskatchewan Training Subsidy (RSTS) funded training. Read the announcement here.
The Ministry of Immigration and Career Training provides job searching, job matching, career planning, and job training services to Saskatchewan residents throughout the province. These supports are designed to develop and match the skills of Saskatchewan workers with the skills needed by Saskatchewan employers. Visit Employment Saskatchewan for more information.
SaskJobs helps newcomers find employment opportunities and takes active part in Ukrainian response. A special hashtag #sksupportsukraine is added by employers to identify that the job posting encourages the displaced Ukrainians to apply although it is not exclusive to these applicants.
The Sunflower Network is a group of volunteer business and community leaders who have come together to help families fleeing the crisis created by Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine. In between others, they offer employment services.
Information about employment in Yukon can be accessed on the following websites: