
Corporate Donations

The Government of Canada has partnered with the Canadian Immigrant Settlement Sector Alliance – Alliance canadienne du secteur de l’établissement des immigrants (CISSA-ACSEI) and the national network of settlement organizations to provide direct and critical support to those in need.

Please view our Corporate Donation Manual for more information.

Canadian businesses are invited to donate goods and services through the portal Call to action: Canadian Industry for Ukraine.

Donations from Canadian businesses will go to Ukrainians and other displaced persons making Canada their home.


CISSA-ACSEI is also accepting and redistributing cash donations from Canadian businesses on the behalf of service provider organisations across the country. Companies are invited to make financial donations here. Official tax deductible receipts will be provided for donations over $20.

Our Donors

CISSA-ACSEI accepts and redistributes cash donations from Canadian businesses on behalf of service provider organizations across the country.

Gift Card Allocation Dashboard

Since the launch of Canadian Industry for Ukraine donation portal in May this year, Canadian Businesses continue to offer donations to support displaced Ukrainians arriving in Canada. The Operation Ukrainian Safe Haven (OUSH) coordinates the allocation and distribution of the donations through the network of local service providers in each province.

Promoting accountability and transparency, OUSH provides a holistic overview of the allocation and distribution of the generosity by the Canadian Businesses.

Here are quick notes that guide the allocation and distribution efforts:

  1. Accessibility: Donations will be accessed by displaced Ukrainians and other refugees in need.
  2. Coverage: Provinces are selected based on either donors’ conditions including their presence in province(s) or available data including Transitional Financial Support data from Employment and Social Development Canada which shows percentages of displaced Ukrainians who applied for financial assistance in each province or territory.